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86 18925770398

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ADD:Boluo County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China

EUV Adhesive Development Progress

update time:2023-07-14Hot:

EUV(Extreme Ultraviolet) technology is primarily used in advanced semiconductor manufacturing processes, and the need for compatible adhesives has gained importance. Here is a summary of the current progress in EUV adhesive development:

1. Material selection: Researchers are identifying materials that can withstand the extreme conditions associated with EUV exposure, such as intense ultraviolet radiation, high temperatures, and plasma interactions. They are investigating the compatibility of various polymers, oligomers, and additives to develop adhesives that can maintain their properties under EUV illumination.

2. Radiation resistance: EUV adhesives need to exhibit excellent resistance to the specific wavelengths of EUV radiation. Researchers are evaluating the effects of EUV exposure on the adhesive's mechanical and chemical properties, as well as its long-term stability.

3. Adhesion and integration: Efforts are being made to optimize the adhesive's ability to bond with various substrate materials used in semiconductor manufacturing, such as silicon, metals, and dielectric layers. Adhesion strength, compatibility with different surface treatments, and thermal stability are important factors being considered.

4. Thermal and chemical stability: EUV adhesives must be capable of withstanding the high temperatures and harsh chemical environments encountered during semiconductor fabrication processes. Researchers are exploring different additives and polymers to enhance the adhesive's thermal and chemical stability.

5. Process compatibility: Compatibility with existing EUV lithography and manufacturing processes is crucial. Researchers are working on developing adhesive formulations that can be easily integrated into the EUV fabrication workflow without adversely impacting the overall process performance.

EUV adhesive development is an active area of study, and ongoing research is focused on improving adhesive properties, optimizing curing conditions, and exploring new applications within the semiconductor industry. As the technology continues to advance, further advancements and breakthroughs in EUV adhesive development are expected.

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