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86 18925770398

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ADD:Boluo County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China

UV Adhesive Types (Per Wavelength)

update time:2023-07-14Hot:

According to the UV wavelength range, UV adhesives can be classified as follows:

1. UVA adhesive: This type of UV adhesive is suitable for curing under UVA light with a wavelength range of 320-400 nanometers. UVA adhesive has a longer curing time and lower curing speed, suitable for applications that do not require immediate curing.

2. UVB adhesive: This type of UV adhesive is suitable for curing under UVB light with a wavelength range of 280-320 nanometers. UVB adhesive has a shorter curing time and higher curing speed, suitable for applications that require fast curing.

3. UVC adhesive: This type of UV adhesive is suitable for curing under UVC light with a wavelength range of 200-280 nanometers. UVC adhesive has a higher curing speed and strong bactericidal capability, suitable for applications that require antibacterial properties, such as medical equipment and water treatment.

4. EUV adhesive: Huachuang will detail the adhesive in another article.

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