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86 18925770398

MOB:86 15322906908
ADD:Boluo County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China

Thermal Conductive and Electrically Conductive Silicone Gel Design Base

update time:2023-07-11Hot:

Design: The design of thermal conductive and electrically conductive gel aims to incorporate both thermal and electrical additives to achieve the desired performance and functionality. Here is a possible design scheme and component analysis:

Base material: Select a high-quality silicone polymer suitable for silicone gel as the base material.

Thermal conductive additives: Add thermal conductive fillers, such as metal oxide nanoparticles (such as silica or aluminum oxide), to enhance the thermal conductivity.

Electrically conductive additives: Add conductive powders, such as graphite, carbon nanotubes, or metal powders, to improve the electrical conductivity.

Analysis: The analysis of each component is as follows:

Base material - Silicone polymer: Silicone polymer serves as the base material for the thermal conductive and electrically conductive gel. It provides the fundamental properties and viscosity of the gel. Choosing an appropriate silicone polymer ensures the stability and long-term thermal conductive and electrical performance of the gel.

Thermal conductive additives - Silica/Aluminum oxide: Silica or aluminum oxide nanoparticles are added to the silicone polymer to enhance the thermal conductivity. These thermal conductive fillers can establish conduction, transferring heat from one area to another.

Electrically conductive additives - Graphite/Carbon nanotubes/Metal powders: Graphite, carbon nanotubes, or metal powders are added to the gel as conductive materials to enhance its electrical conductivity. These conductive additives provide electronic conduction pathways, giving the gel its electrical conductive properties.

Reaction mechanism: The specific reaction mechanism will vary depending on the chosen silicone polymer and additives. The reaction mechanism involves crosslinking of the silicone polymer chains. By adding a crosslinking agent, it reacts with the silicone polymer to form a crosslinked structure. This crosslinking enhances the strength and stability of the silicone gel.

Please note that the design and reaction mechanisms of thermal conductive and electrically conductive silicone gel can be further optimized and researched based on specific applications and requirements. It is advisable to consult with professional engineers for more specialized guidance in specific research or practical applications.

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